Start now to have better sleep and improve your productivity!

Are you always tired?  Do you have trouble getting to sleep?  Or trouble staying asleep?

Lack of sleep affects your productivity.  And poor productivity is a source of stress.  But stress also affects your sleep.  It’s all inter-related.

Toward the end of a particularly gruelling consulting contract, I began having trouble sleeping.  Sometimes I would lie awake for hours only to manage a few hours of sleep.  Then other times, I would manage to get to sleep but awake only a few hours later.

I was growing more frustrated and stressed.  My work was suffering and so was my personal life.  So I began researching.  Over a matter of six weeks I was able to identify different triggers affecting my sleep.  And through trial-and-error, I eliminated those triggers.

Then I took it a step further and researched sleep habits, figured out how many hours of sleep I actually needed, and then developed my own personal sleep routine.  I’m pleased to tell you I sleep well again.  And I want you to sleep well too!  So I’m sharing what I learned.

Stop the poor sleep cycle!

Try your FREE 5 Day Email Challenge for Optimal Sleep

How does it work?

  • Register now and receive a daily email with instructions
  • Each email takes you through one step to improve your sleep routine
  • Allows you to focus on just one step at a time
  • Helps you determine how many hours of sleep is best for you

Just fill in the form and the first email will be sent directly to your inbox.

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