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  1. As an Amazon Associate, WOWIT Enterprises Inc. earns from qualifying purchases. That means WOWIT Enterprises Inc. makes a commission, at no cost to you, if you use that affiliate link.
  2. This site may contain affiliate links. WOWIT Enterprises Inc. may get paid, at no cost to you, if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of those links.
  3. This blog accepts forms of cash for referrals, advertising, sponsorship, product promotion, services, and other businesses.
  4. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion, and identity.  Any content, advertising, product promotion, etc. will be clearly identified if it is paid or sponsored.
  5. We will always provide our honest opinions about any products, experiences, or services whether or not compensation is provided.
  6. Products provided to us by advertising partners for review are often given free of charge.  However, that does not ensure a positive review of that product in any way.
  7. This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

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