Grocery store interior

10 Tips for More Efficient Grocery Shopping

Posted by Donna

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Are you efficient with your grocery shopping? If you’re like most people, probably not so much.

grocery store overhead

grocery store aisle

We’ve all been there.  It’s time for dinner but the shelves are bare and the fridge is empty.  How did this happen?  You know how it happened – you were busy!

But you’re here, reading this article, and that means you’re determined to get better!  So what does that mean exactly?

Get your list together

Anything organized requires planning!  And the key to efficient grocery shopping is in the planning.  The single most important item here is your list.  You do always shop with a list, don’t you?  Ummm, you try, right?  It’s okay – we’re all trying!

Your grocery list evolves in two ways:

  1. Replacement – as items begin to run out, they get added to the grocery list
  2. Future meals – as you’re planning your meals for the upcoming week(s), you’ll add those ingredients to your list

By the way, in this article, I’m not going to attempt to discuss meal planning.  That’s just too large a topic to contain here.  But it’s on my list for a future post!

TIP #1: Keep your grocery list on your fridge

A friend of mine, Nancy, kept a little whiteboard on the side of her fridge.  This actually encouraged everyone in the family to add to the list whenever they took the last of something.  Because they knew if they wanted more of that item, it needed to be on the list.

Checklist and whiteboard

This is a handy technique because it involves the whole family and distributes the responsibility.  It also allows anyone in the family to just take a picture of the board with their phone and head off to the store.

You can take this a step further by using a liquid crystal “notepad” on your fridge.  The Boogie Board Jot is a writing tablet that does not require charging (it uses a watch battery, very long-lasting) and has magnets on the back.  Perfect for your fridge!  Actually, it’s perfect for a lot of situations… but we’re talking about grocery lists here.

If you have a “smart” fridge then this can be even easier.  Or you could use your digital assistant, Google Home, Amazon Echo (Alexa), Siri, Cortana, etc.  Simply dictate your grocery list aloud using one of these devices and then sync with your phone before heading to the store.

If you prefer a list on paper, then I also suggest keeping that on the fridge.  Again, as items begin to run low then you add that to the list.  Also, as you’re planning your meals for the next week you can quickly add ingredients to the list. That will definitely make your grocery shopping more efficient.

Identify the shopper

If you live alone then it’s obvious you’ll be doing the grocery shopping.  But what if you have children?  Perhaps an extended family?

If you live in a household where there are multiple people who could perform the grocery shopping then you’re very lucky.  But this also means your grocery list must be absolutely clear so be certain to include quantities and name brands on the list if that’s what you want.  Something like “cereal” may not be sufficient.

TIP #2: Shop alone, if possible

For the rest of us, the goal is an efficient grocery shopping experience.  And that usually means shopping alone if that’s possible.

Spouses, children, even friends, will typically distract you from your shopping mission.  Or, worse, try to cajole you into purchasing items that are not on your list.  This really needs to be a solo excursion.

Choose the location

If you live in a smaller community then you might have limited choices.  Otherwise, you might be visiting different locations for different purposes: butcher, fishmonger, bakery, vegetable market, etc.

However, if your goal is efficiency, then this is not the most efficient approach.  If you want to organize your time better then you need to consider finding one store that can provide all these options together.

Timing your visit

Another important factor for you is the time when you visit the store.  Depending upon your schedule and other priorities you may not have a lot of choices here.  You should consider two factors:

  1. When’s the best time to shop?  You need to find the non-peak times for your store.  Generally, that’s late evenings and early mornings.  You definitely want to avoid Saturday and Sunday afternoons in most cases.  And, fortunately, late evenings and early mornings are also when the grocery stores often receive deliveries so your produce would be fresh.
  2. Shop in one large trip for the week or spread out your trips throughout the week?  It depends:
    1. If you walk to work then getting groceries several evenings per week on the way home will lighten the physical load.  And has the added bonus of keeping your weekends free from the grocery shopping chore.
    2. If you commute to work by car then stopping off to pick up groceries on the way home one evening might be very convenient.
    3. You might find it easier to loop your grocery shopping into a cycle of other errands that you perform once per week.

empty parking lot

For most people, it’s difficult to avoid some impulse buys and every trip to the grocery store has the potential for those impulse buys.  In the end, it’s much more efficient, both time-wise and money-wise (think gas or impulse buys), to shop just once per week. After all, it’s about efficient grocery shopping.

TIP #3: Limit shopping to once per week

Pre-visit preparation

You have your grocery list, you know which store(s) you’ll visit, and you’ve figured out the best time of day to shop.  You’re ready.  Well, not quite.

TIP #4: Know the sales before you visit the store

Before you hit the store, just a few more things:

  1. Check for sales/coupons.  If you’re a thrifty shopper then you MUST check the deals before you head to the store.  Otherwise, it’s too easy to get distracted from your list.  Don’t forget to check your apps for deals too.  For example, the Checkout51 app.
  2. Organize your grocery list.  Group the items according to the layout of the store you intend to visit.  For example, if you’ll be buying ice cream and frozen vegetables they’ll probably be located in the same aisle so group them together on your list.  This helps ensure you get everything on your list without revisiting aisles more than once.
  3. Bring your own reusable bags?  It’s certainly good for the environment.  Keep them handy so it’s quick to grab them on the way out.

TIP #5: Group your grocery list by store aisle

Store visit

NOW you’re ready to hit the store.  But did you eat first?  The primary reason for impulse buys in grocery stores is shopping on an empty stomach.  With your belly full, let’s hit the store.

TIP #6: Don’t shop when you’re hungry

As you’re probably aware, grocery stores are businesses.  Their goal is to encourage you to buy more so that they make more money.

Individual stores are designed to encourage you to wander down different aisles.  They even play music that makes you want to slow down.  More time spent in the store usually equals more money spent.

Product placement in grocery stores is not random.  Neither are those buy-one-get-one-free deals.

You can avoid a lot of these traps by shopping the perimeter.  I’m sure you’ve heard this before but what does this mean exactly?  The more enticing impulse buys are usually within the processed food sections.  And those are found in the central aisles of the grocery store.  If you stay mostly on the exterior aisles then you avoid a lot of temptation.  Plus you’ll eat healthier by avoiding the processed foods.  Win-win!

TIP #7: Shop on the store perimeter

Plan your route

Use your grocery list to work through the store perimeter.  The specific route you take only matters when it comes to fresh meat and dairy.  Shop these last to ensure they stay as fresh as possible on the way home.

When you’re choosing perishable items like produce or meat, always select from the back of the shelf.  This is how the shelves are stocked to ensure the oldest items are seen first.  If you want fresh then get digging!

TIP #8: Select from the back of the shelf

Expiration dates

If the dates noted on the product have passed, then don’t buy it.  Simple.

TIP #9: Check “Best Before” dates before purchasing

And, for reference, the only text that is actually an expiration date is something marked with “Expires On.”  Here’s how to understand the context:

  1. Best Before – these dates are recommendations only, related to the quality of taste, texture and/or flavour.  They have nothing to do with safety.
  2. Sell By – I don’t see these references very much but if you do, it’s simply a recommendation for store display
  3. Expires On – this is an actual safety designation and indicates the product is not safe to use after the date listed

There’s a great site that helps you sift through the details.  Find all sorts of information at


You’ve stuck to the perimeter and only selected items that were on your list.  Well done!  Now, should you use the self-checkout to pay?

Store checkout register


  1. You can avoid further impulse buys by using the self-checkout
  2. If you’re not in the mood for small-talk, then definitely go with self-checkout
  3. If you want everything bagged just right, opt for self-checkout


  1. If you have a lot of produce it will likely take you more time to scan – let the professionals handle it
  2. Want to use some coupons? You will likely need to use full-service to redeem them
  3. If you want to grab some lottery tickets or are making purchases that might require ID verification, then you’ll need the full-service line

Delivery service

If you are seriously time-challenged, have mobility issues, or have a number of small children with you then you may want to consider using a delivery service. In this situation, this is probably the most efficient approach to your grocery shopping.

TIP #10: Consider a delivery/store pick up service

There are many delivery services available, some linked with individual store brands and others just focusing on the service:

  1. Amazon Fresh – the delivery service is currently available in major cities in the USA, the UK, and Germany (coming soon to Canada)
  2. Walmart – you can use the delivery service or pick up at the store yourself.  These services are available in major cities in both Canada and the USA.
  3. Instacart – they use personal shoppers to fulfill orders and you can have them delivered or pick up at the store.  They have a presence in more than 5,500 cities across both Canada and the USA.  If you’re interested in becoming a personal shopper, read more in “Earn Cash with Your Car?

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There, you have it.  You have the tools you need to become more efficient with grocery shopping.  But, you don’t need to implement all of this at once.

Choose just one item and give it a try.  Perhaps you start setting up your grocery list.  Try a paper list.  If that doesn’t work for you, try a whiteboard.  Maybe you try a digital list.  Regardless of the implementation tool, you apply the concept.

Then, work through that same process for each tip.  Prepare by checking the sales before you head to a store, grouping your grocery list by store aisle, ensuring you can shop alone, and you’re not shopping on an empty stomach, etc.  Then when you get to the store you stay on the perimeter, select from the back of the shelf, and confirm those best before dates.

Find your groove and fine-tune as you go!

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tips for efficient grocery shopping

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